How to Begin a Trainer Battle in Pokemon Go?

Pokémon GO now allows users to participate in Trainer Battles. This allows players to combat with teams assembled by them. In this blog, we will discuss the process to start a Trainer battle in the game. Users may battle against the Trainers who are in their vicinity. They can also battle with their friends.
To Begin a Trainer battle with Someone
If you want to begin a trainer battle with someone, then you need to follow the instructions given below.
  • First of all, go to the Nearby option on your device.’
  • Then you should select the Battle button, if you are not there already.
  • You have to hold the device out so the trainer you would like to battle can scan the QR code.
  • Now, select the League & Battle Team.
To Begin a Trainer Battle Locally with a Good or Great Friend
You need to begin a trainer battle locally with a good or great friend, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Get started by going to the Nearby option on your device.
  • Then you should select the Battle button, if you are not there already.
  • You have to hold the device out so the trainer you would like to battle can scan the QR code.
  • Now, choose the League & Battle Team.
If you are already in your friend’s list
  • To begin with, move down to the “Ultra or Great Friend” you would like to challenge.
  • Then you should select the Battle button.
  • Later, hold the device out so the trainer you would like to battle can scan the QR code.
  • Now, choose the League & battle Team.
To Begin a Trainer battle Remotely
If you want to begin a trainer battle remotely, then you need to follow the instructions given below.
  • First, you have to go to the Trainer Profile picture.
  • Then you should above the Friend List.
  • You have to move down to the “Ultra or Great Friend” you would like to challenge.
  • Later, tap on the Battle option.
  • Now, choose the battle Team.
To Begin a Trainer Battle with Team Leaders
You may begin a trainer battle with team leaders, follow the steps mentioned below.
  • First & foremost, go to the Nearby option on your device.
  • Then you should select the battle option, if you are not there.
  • You have to select Blanche, Candela or Spark.
  • Now, select the League & Battle Team.
Quit a Trainer Battle
If you want to quit a trainer battle, then you need to follow the instructions given below.
  • First of all, you can quit at any time you would like to.
  • Then go to the Exit tab at the upper left hand side.
  • Now, tap on to confirm.
Lucia Mandela is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Has passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She writes for Norton security products at


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