5 Best Outlook Tips and Tricks for Enhanced Productivity

There are millions of people who use Microsoft Outlook for managing their email and calendar. However, users are not entirely aware of its advanced functions and features. Gaining some tips and tricks regarding Outlook will help you in synchronizing your work efficiently. Here are the tips, which will help you handle emails and appointments conveniently.
Tips and Tricks for Boosting Efficiency
  • Try to avoid repeated typing:
Quick Parts is a better option available in Outlook to save time from using the same text over and over again. To do so, all you need to do is highlight your text in the composer window. Now, move it to the Insert tab and tap on the Quick parts. Select the Save selection option to the Quick part gallery. In doing so, you will be able to see a popup suggestion of using the text. Make sure to use it and save your time by typing quickly.
  • Show the group message together:
Tracking down a piece of relevant news is a difficult task when you receive tons of emails together. But Outlook can help you in the hard part just by grouping email into the conversation. So, you can locate messages according to your desire quickly. Apart from this, users can also allocate third-party apps to make a custom inbox to prioritize messages. It also allows filtering essential emails if they are placed in different folders.
  • Automatic recurring filing and tasks:
Create a single home tab with the help of Quick steps and save time by performing your daily task on Outlook. It allows users to fabricate a custom series of steps, which can delete, categorize as well as flag messages in a single click of the mouse.
  • Schedule Outlook messages or emails: 
Outlook has a feature that allows you to send messages in the near future. For that, all you need to do is type your email, and then choose the Options tab to select the Delay Delivery button. A dialogue box will appear on your screen where you need to enter the date and time accordingly. At last, hit the send button and your email will be held until the specified time and date for delivery.
  • Send text SMS from Outlook:
People can send text messages directly from Outlook to your contacts. It just needs to register with a third-party messaging service to activate the option. To utilize this option, tap on the New Items present in the Home tab, then choose Text Message. In doing so, a new dialog box will appear on the screen. Click on it to locate text messaging service for your mobile phone operator.  
Find relevant emails using the filter option:
You can easily find your specific email by using the filter option. Just go to the Home tab and click on the Filter email option. After that, select menu option that will display filters such as attachments, unread, specific date, or time. It is one of the best options that one can utilize to locate relevant emails without facing too many problems.
Kellie Minton  is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup.
Content Source : http://norton-norton-norton.com/blog/5-best-outlook-tips-and-tricks-for-enhanced-productivity/


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